take me under your skin, ongoing project since 2023

The center of my work „take me under your skin“ is the human body and its abstraction. Primarily through the reduction to the simplest geometric structures and surfaces.

Through 3D sculptures, I let forms, space and time merge with each other. In my photographs and video installations, which are created by new media such as the process of photogrammetry or augmented reality augmented reality, I take a new and unusual perspective on the human being. In focus so called organoids: three-dimensional cell structures as the only indication of organ-like life. Through the body in analog as well as digital space, I space, I work on questions about our reality, as well as striving for ideals. In addition, I confront cultural stigmas and the erasure of everything human.


Exhibition views

In October 2023, my work was awarded first place in the KünstlerInnen-Preis der Revierkunst award. In addition, excerpts of the work have been presented in renowned institutions such as the Kunstmuseum Bonn and the Folkwang Museum Essen.Kulturdepot Dortmund. The linking of both works deals with questions of corporeality and transformation of materiality in analog as well as digital space. This work was the precursor and experimental field for the idea of „take me under your skin“.


Exhibition views

Exhibition series from the Kulturort Depot Dortmund.
In November 2022 I exhibited, together with the artist Elke Emmert under the title „Vernetzung“ at the Kulturdepot Dortmund. The linking of both works deals with questions of corporeality and transformation of materiality in analog as well as digital space. This work was the precursor and experimental field for the idea of „take me under your skin“.